But what do we mean by the American Revolution?

…The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people”
-John Adams, 1818

ImageTo those still willing,
Another year drudges on as millions of under educated, apathetic, and disenfranchised Americans accept the fate of failure as their only birth right. Month by month, our ranks are thinned and filled with disloyal applicants or those bent on disinformation and self-preservation. The cliques are getting bigger, and now fight for no other reason but for the chance of being right. We have lost more then a few good men, our loyalty to a cause, or our word. We have lost the integrity of our mask and all the responsibility that comes with it. We have lost it all because no one can rely on our once great promise: We will never forgive and we will never forget.
I look now at the shambles of the great Anonymous, the SAME Anonymous known for supporting the citizens of the world and all I see makes me sad. I hear of nothing but infighting, distrust and disloyalty on a scale unheard of by most just years ago. These acts are carried out not by strangers, but between friends and allies. The hive is not simply losing its power, but has lost its power. Not by any great force, or any one agent but because simply of inaction. The core of Anonymous is being rotted because our power is based on a unified front, not the bickering we see all around us. The fight is not over who leads – because we ALL do in our own right. The fight is not over who is more skilled, or what they may be – because we are ALL essential to our cause. The fight is not over fame because the mask shares but one ego. No friends, the fight we are fighting against today is simply inaction and today I propose we change the course of Anonymous, and maybe history will judge us fairly.

“If not us, who? And if not now, when?”
– Ronald Reagan, 1985

I bring this call to arms to everyone. From those who have never been active, but wish to, and those who have never stopped. It is time to get back to basics and fight the governments’ propaganda machines placed in our ranks. It is time to shower those placed inside us to break us down with a good, old fashioned, paper storm.

I call upon those with writing skills to publish revolutionary tomes of truth.
I call upon those skilled in arts to publish revolutionary Artwork.
I call upon those with the luxury of time to combine the two, those with the resources to print them, and those with the courage to distribute them!

Lets speak about our privacy being stolen, our security being compromised, our freedoms being denied and our future being sold. Lets rally in both virtual chart rooms and physically full ones. Speak loud not just of a government revolution but a cultural one. Scream from rooftops and hash-tags, front lines and paper stacks. Leave no sign post, empty book, shelf or hand empty of our mark. For too long we have allowed the very machine we fought against ot steal our heroes and reclaim those we have freed from bondage. This MUST end today! Do not simply start this discussion, the time for talk has passed! Act now or abandon your mask along with all hope because push has come to shove and it’s time the hive act as one again. I will leave the logistics to the hive because I have seen greatness rise when its called upon. Go now to recruit, educate and overcome so that Anonymous is no longer the stagnant force it is considered now.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
God will not hold us guiltless.
Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act.”
– Dietrick Bonhoeffer
“Executed German who warned about Hitler

This piece can be found here and is written in support on bringing w0rmer home to his family: